First Aid

First AId at Work (FAAW) - 18 Hours

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Please contact Matt for details.


First Aid at Work (FAAW - 18 hours contact time) is delivered over 3 days. It's for individuals and organisations looking for a higher level of first aid training. It is designed to fulfil necessary statutory requirements for larger employers.

Course content:

  • Introduction
  • Roles and responsibilities of the first aider
  • Assessing an incident
  • The primary survey
  • Managing the airway
  • Disorders of breathing
  • CPR (resuscitation) and BLS (Basic Life Support)
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Disorders of circulation
  • Secondary survey
  • Causes of unconsciousness
  • Heart conditions
  • Recovery position
  • Fainting
  • Choking
  • Seizures
  • Shock
  • Extremity injuries - breaks, sprains and strains.
  • Minor injuries, minor burns and scalds
  • Epipen training
  • Monitoring vital signs
  • Cross infection control
  • AED (Automated External Defibrillation) familiarisation
  • Regulations - recording and reporting, first aid kits and giving medication

All courses include an up to date first aid training handbook and upon completion of the course a certificate is awarded and is valid for three years, although a 3 hour annual refresher is recommended to maintain skills.


Open course: £175.00 per person
Group booking: £1050.00 12 people max